Thursday 5 November 2009

So I was wondering...

... how long it will take before I get my first comment. Or maybe I'll never get one. It's fine just sitting here writing into space, but it would be nice to think that someone out there may read my musings one day and find them interesting. So what to write about today? Well apart from having to completely shaft a work colleague (that's a whole other story which I may tell you about another day), today has been fairly uneventful - other than having to deal with a total meltdown by my 4 year old daughter at 7 o'clock this morning and having to use a combination of bribery and trickery to get her out of the house and onto the school bus that is.

Going back to what I was saying before about getting my first comments - I actually gave the URL for this blog to a very old friend (old in time rather than years I hasten to add as he is only a year older than me and I am but a spring chicken) in the hope that he would read it and write my inaugural comment. I haven't told anyone else how to find this blog as I don't know what I may end up saying and about whom so I thought it would be safer that way. Anyway, this old friend has either read the blog and found it unworthy of comment, or couldn't be bothered to read it. Either way, it's a bit disappointing. Ah well...

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